Annual Dinner & Award Night January 11 Saturday 2025, at 5.30 PM.THE COTTLION ,440 JERICH0 TURNPIKE JERICHO,NY 1173.
  • +1 516-902-4300

  • Thousands of patients are awaiting for Help.

    Enhance community

    You need not have abundant surplus income to . All you need, is a sense of responsibility to donate whatever you can, to help bring significant and serious change.

  • Thousands of patients are awaiting for Help.

    Enhance community

    You need not have abundant surplus income to . All you need, is a sense of responsibility to donate whatever you can, to help bring significant and serious change.

  • Thousands of patients are awaiting for Help.

    Enhance community

    You need not have abundant surplus income to . All you need, is a sense of responsibility to donate whatever you can, to help bring significant and serious change.

  • Thousands of patients are awaiting for Help.

    Enhance community

    You need not have abundant surplus income to . All you need, is a sense of responsibility to donate whatever you can, to help bring significant and serious change.

  • Thousands of patients are awaiting for Help.

    Enhance community

    You need not have abundant surplus income to . All you need, is a sense of responsibility to donate whatever you can, to help bring significant and serious change.

  • Thousands of patients are awaiting for Help.

    Enhance community

    You need not have abundant surplus income to . All you need, is a sense of responsibility to donate whatever you can, to help bring significant and serious change.

  • Thousands of patients are awaiting for Help.

    Enhance community

    You need not have abundant surplus income to . All you need, is a sense of responsibility to donate whatever you can, to help bring significant and serious change.


    These are the moments our humanitarian side should shine through and these are the moments to show our act of kindness-

latest upcoming events

Awesome Image
ECHO Annual Dinner Promo Video.

Dinner Tickets Sale by Mr. Rich Nicolello, Presiding Officer, Nassau County Legislature.

Dinner Ticket Sale to Mr. T.R. Joy by Mr. Sabu Lukose.
Dinner Ticket Sale to Mr. Biju Chacko by Mr. T.R. Joy.

our missions

For the world to survive, mankind will have to resolve its differences and work together across countries and cultures to share compassion and economic benefits for all communities. One such effort is being put forth by ECHO or Enhance Community through Harmonious Outreach


Overcoming prejudice and ignorance passed down from generations is certainly a monumental task. However, it is not without merit. One of the biggest social barriers is the difficulty of accepting and respecting other religions throughout the world.


By increasing community involvement, different agencies can oversee and contribute to the physical and emotional well-being of impoverished communities. By incorporating harmonious outreach, government agencies won’t be involved.


ECHO inter-religious community is a beacon of spirituality across religions and be a stepping stone for religious tolerance. All faiths could participate and share the fundamentals of their teachings without fear of persecution or ridicule.

our vision

Vision: Individuals and communities experience spiritual, personal, Social, and Economic well-being through harmonious relationship.

Enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.

Compassion for Humanity and Build strong communities.

Through media and cultural program promote the concept of harmonious acceptance and fairness.

Serve the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world.

Provide services for orphaned, underprivileged, mentally or physically challenged children.

Help and Motivate individuals and families to achieve financial stability and improve their quality of life.

Creating an inter religious community building for inter faith Harmony.

Communicate and coordinate volunteer services for the benefit of the community.

Emphasizing community involvement in Social Services and Community Needs.

ECHO vision of the future

As the world’s population continues to grow, the strain on humanity also grows. The gap is becoming greater between those who have more resources and wealth and those who are needy and impoverished. For the world to survive, mankind will have to resolve its differences and work together across countries and cultures to share compassion and economic benefits for all communities. One such effort is being put forth by ECHO or Enhance Community through Harmonious Outreach. Their mission is to make a difference in communities across the world by changing the underlying belief structure so that all communities share the same value.

Community Involvement

By increasing community involvement, different agencies can oversee and contribute to the physical and emotional well-being of impoverished communities in all parts of the world. By incorporating harmonious outreach, government agencies won’t be involved. It will be strictly a volunteer and non- profit venture with the sole purpose to increase resources for poor communities. Such involvement can include the following services and programs:

  • Social Services
  • Community needs
  • Serve spiritual and physical needs
  • Provide services for poor kids, mentally and physically challenged kids, and orphans
  • Volunteer services

These programs are designed to provide an immediate assistance for resources and needs for not only the citizens of the community, but also the infrastructure of the community itself.

Changing values through
counseling and spirituality

Overcoming prejudice and ignorance passed down from generations is certainly a monumental task. However, it is not without merit. One of the biggest social barriers is the difficulty of accepting and respecting other religions throughout the world. By teaching tolerance, empathy, and compassion for all beliefs, the world could begin to heal the religious intolerance being displayed almost daily in the media. One way of solving this problem is to have an inter-religious community building. This building could serve as a beacon of spirituality across religions and be a stepping stone for religious tolerance. While a spiritual message would be preached, all faiths could participate and share the historical and fundamentals of their teachings without fear of persecution or ridicule. In addition to spiritual activities, this building could serve as an anchor of the community bringing together people from all cultures and religions to share in general activities and festivals to increase their quality of life.

Harmonious acceptance

The concept of harmonious acceptance means that people from all cultures, backgrounds, and religions can come together and interact without judgment and prejudice. It is the idea that people can come together in the name of a community for the good of the community. People with little income and resources are treated with the same respect and dignity as people with wealth and power. Many people think that the world with undergo a major catastrophe at which time the countries will come together in tolerance and acceptance. This catastrophe can either be natural or war. Indeed, in times of crisis, people are known to assist their neighbors. It is this level of compassion that we strive to achieve at all times. There will need to be a catalyst to trigger the change of behavior and understanding. But people will rise to the level of compassion that humankind is capable of providing to each other.

Enhancing the Community through Harmonious Outreach is the vision of the future. It is community oriented in that the people are equally important and play an important role in the betterment of the community. People of means are equal to impoverished people. The community will reach out to the poor to provide social programs to increase their quality of life. Religions of the world are equally tolerated and accepted without prejudice or malice. While a vision of the future, it is a vision worth striving for.

HELP to THE poor People

recent causes

Echo believes that working with a 'burning desire' to make a difference, is the greatest motivator to do something meaningful.

we help many people

want to become a volunteer!

To continue working for the different cause, we require your valuable support. We run solely on donations and to sustain our projects and continue setting up more of them, your support is absolutely vital.

meet our team to help today


The team generating awareness to attract funds and volunteers to provide life-saving and life-changing work to help most vulnerable people

Thomas Mathew MD,FACP

Executive Director

Mr. Biju Chacko RRT, RPSGT

Operations Director

Mr. Sabu Lukose MBA

Program Director

Mr. Varghese John CPA

Finance Director


Capital Resource Director

Annie Mathew BSN MBA MHAN

Capital Resource Director

Thomas M George PE

Senior Associate Director

Mr. Koppara B. Samuel MS

Communications Director

Mr.Karthik Dhama PHARM.D

Community Liason Director